My partner had left earlier for work. The children were in bed and I sat down to watch Law and Order. And then – law knocked on my door and order as I knew it left my life. The Gardaí informed me that my partner had been arrested; something I never imagined would have happened as he had never been in trouble before. Then the final court date approached when he received a prison sentence. There and then he was taken away and I walked out of court in a blur. It was very difficult at the start and my first visit to the prison was horrible but like everything else you become used to it. I had the extra worry of my children finding out the truth. I told them he was working away as I did not want to bring them into the prison. I cannot say that it is not difficult to live with my situation but with time it does get a bit easier. Emotions that were so raw at the beginning become more bearable and with time the tears that flowed so easily start to dry up. …I have to believe that this too will pass and then life as we knew it will return to normal. I believe We will be much better, stronger people for having gone through this horrible experience.

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